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Fitxer:1813 Thomson Map of Africa - Geographicus - Africa-thomson-1813.jpg

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Fitxer original (5.000 × 4.420 píxels, mida del fitxer: 6,23 Mo, tipus MIME: image/jpeg)

Descripció a Commons
John Thomson: Africa   (Wikidata search (Cirrus search) Wikidata query (SPARQL)  Create new Wikidata item based on this file)
John Thomson (1777–1840)  wikidata:Q6260696
Descripció geògraf, cartògraf i editor britànic
Data de naixement i defunció 1777 Edita-ho a Wikidata cap a 1840
date QS:P,+1840-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
Control d'autoritats
artist QS:P170,Q6260696
English: This hand colored map is a steel plate engraving, dating to 1813 by the important English mapmaker John Thomson. It is an early and historically important representation of the continent of Africa. Much of the continent is simply labeled “unknown parts”. Those sections that are known are surprisingly detailed. Caravan routes, temples, and even the distances between Oases are generally noted. Across the center of the continent Thomson details the mythical mountain range known as the “Mountains of the Moon”. The mountains of the moon were first postulated by Ptolemy to be the source of the Nile. This mysterious range remained on maps until the mid 19th century explorations of Burton, Speke, and Livingstone. Today it is generally agreed that references to the Mountains of the Moon refer to the Ruwenzori Range of Kenya & Uganda. This mountain range remains one of the most remote and exotic places on Earth, and is the home of a diversity of bizarre plant and animal life. However, it is not, as postulated, the source of the Nile which lies just to the south in Lake Victoria. Neither Lake Victoria nor Lake Tanganyika, which appear in much earlier Bleau maps, appear on this map. Thomson maps are known for their stunning color, awe inspiring size, and magnificent detail. Thomson’s work, including this map, represents some of the finest cartographic art of the 19th century.
Data 1813 (undated)
Dimensions altura: 19 in (48,2 cm); amplada: 22 in (55,8 cm)
dimensions QS:P2048,19U218593
dimensions QS:P2049,22U218593
Número d'inventari
Geographicus link: Africa-thomson-1813

Thomson, J., A New General Atlas.

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actual21:08, 24 març 2011Miniatura per a la versió del 21:08, 24 març 20115.000 × 4.420 (6,23 Mo)BotMultichillT{{subst:User:Multichill/Geographicus |link=http://www.geographicus.com/P/AntiqueMap/Africa-thomson-1813 |product_name=1813 Thomson Map of Africa |map_title=Africa |description=This hand colored map is a steel plate engraving, dating to 1813 by the importa

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