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Fitxer:Annie Sugier - 2017.jpg

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Annie_Sugier_-_2017.jpg (329 × 465 píxels, mida del fitxer: 31 Ko, tipus MIME: image/jpeg)

Descripció a Commons


English: Solidarity message from Annie Sugier on religions being patriarchal tools and Linda Weil-Curiel on gender segregation in sports, League of Women's International Right (founded by Simone de Beauvoir) to the International Conference. Annie Sugier says: "For me as feminist, it is clear that religions are patriarchal ideologies and secularism is a precious tool for women's emancipation." She goes on to speak about the exclusion of women in sports by countries that impose sexual segregation. "Sports is not a secondary area of activity, It is an essential one as Mandela understood when he was struggling against racial apartheid. Struggle please against sexual apartheid".
Font YouTube: Annie Sugier on religions being patriarchal tools and Linda Weil-Curiel on gender segregation – View/save archived versions on archive.org and archive.today
Autor Nano GoleSorkh


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Reconeixement: Nano GoleSorkh
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Annie Sugier

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465 píxel

329 píxel

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actual10:16, 3 juny 2024Miniatura per a la versió del 10:16, 3 juny 2024329 × 465 (31 Ko)Charc2018Uploaded a work by Nano GoleSorkh from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6csoCd7-9iw with UploadWizard

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