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Fitxer:Antonin Scalia Official SCOTUS Portrait crop.jpg

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Fitxer original (1.356 × 1.712 píxels, mida del fitxer: 1,49 Mo, tipus MIME: image/jpeg)

Descripció a Commons


English: Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. (Cropped)
Font Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States
Autor Steve Petteway, photographer, Supreme Court of the United States[1] (See [2])

Això és una imatge retocada, cosa que vol dir que ha estat alterada digitalment de la seva versió original. Modificacions: Crop of photograph. L'original es pot veure a: Antonin Scalia Official SCOTUS Portrait.jpg.


Public domain This file is a work of a United States federal court, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the United States Federal Government, the file is in the public domain in the United States.

Note: This only applies to filings by a judge or magistrate judge. Filings by parties are copyrighted (except for filings by the United States government, which should be tagged with {{PD-USGov}}).

Public domain


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1.563.779 byte

1.712 píxel

1.356 píxel

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actual08:48, 14 feb 2016Miniatura per a la versió del 08:48, 14 feb 20161.356 × 1.712 (1,49 Mo)Callinus=={{int:filedesc}}== {{Information |description={{en|1=Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. (Cropped)}} |date=2013-03-21 |source=Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States |auth...

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