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English: Attitudes from Tehran

Iranian Public Opinion and the Rowhani Presidency

The victory of moderate cleric Hassan Rowhani in Iran's June 14 presidential election greeted many by surprise, yet public opinion polls accurately predicted the outcome. On July 31, the New America Foundation's Middle East Task Force and the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland are sponsoring a symposium on public opinion and the Iranian elections featuring Tehran-based pollster Ebrahim Mohseni. Mohseni will present the findings of 13 national public opinion polls conducted in Iran before and after the election. Panelists Steven Kull and Trita Parsi will provide analysis and commentary, and Shibley Telhami will lead the discussion.

Drawing on polling data the questions to be addressed are:

What does polling data surrounding the election reveal about Iranians' views toward the regime, the nuclear program, and the West?

How strong is Rowhani's political position in Iran and what is the nature of his support?

Do Iranians expect Rowhani to open the Iranian society and alter the role of Islam in goverment?

What does his election signal for the future of U.S.-Iranian relations?

Featured Speaker Ebrahim Mohseni University of Tehran Polling Center Ph.D. Candidate, University of Maryland

Moderator Shibley Telhami Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development, University of Maryland Non-resident Senior Fellow, Saban Center, Brookings Institution

Discussants Steven Kull Director, Program on International Policy Attitudes Senior Research Scholar, Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland University of Maryland

Trita Parsi President, National Iranian American Council

Font YouTube: Attitudes from Tehran (Time: 59m01s) – View/save archived versions on archive.org and archive.today
Autor New America


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Aquest fitxer, que originalment va ser publicat en YouTube: Attitudes from Tehran (Time: 59m01s) – View/save archived versions on archive.org and archive.today, va ser revisat 14 July 2016 pel revisor INeverCry, qui va confirmar que estava disponible allà sota la llicència establerta en aquesta data.


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