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Fitxer:BUL Белово COA.png

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De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

BUL_Белово_COA.png (178 × 219 píxels, mida del fitxer: 3 Ko, tipus MIME: image/png)

Descripció a Commons


Descripció Polski:Herb Belovo, Bulgaria, English:Coat of arms of Belovo, Bulgaria
Font bg:Файл:Belovo CoA.gif
Autor bg:Мико
(Com reutilitzar aquest fitxer)
Public domain
According to the Bulgarian Copyright and Neighboring Rights Act (as amended in 2011), Chapter 2, Article 4, the following documents "shall not be considered objects of copyright":
  1. normative and individual acts of government bodies and official translations thereof;
  2. ideas and concepts;
  3. works of folklore;
  4. news, facts, information and data.
Hence it is assumed that this image has been released into the public domain. However, in some instances the use of this image might be regulated by other laws.

العربيَّة | български | English | македонски | русский | +/−

The data base and the images are subject of the copyright law. You are allowed to use them freely, but do not forget to cite the respective pages with their authors (Bulgaraian Heraldy and Vexillology Society). You will be convinced that the results shown here are product of long scientificly research process that you are supposed to treat with the needed respect.

Registre original de càrregues

Data/hora Dimensions Usuari/a Comentari
27 de juliol de 2009, 16:28:28 178 × 219 (3956 bytes) Magul (discussió · contribucions) {{Convert to SVG|coat of arms}} {{Information |Description=Polski:Herb Belovo, Bulgaria, English:Coat of arms of Belovo, Bulgaria |Source=bg:Файл:Belovo CoA.gif |Date=19:17, 1 gru 2007 |Author=bg:Мико |Permission={{PD-BulgarianGov}} |other_versions= }}


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219 píxel

178 píxel

Historial del fitxer

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actual00:38, 22 ago 2014Miniatura per a la versió del 00:38, 22 ago 2014178 × 219 (3 Ko)GifTaggerBot: Converting file to superior PNG file. (Source: BUL_Белово_COA.gif). This GIF was problematic due to non-greyscale color table.

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