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Fitxer:Battle of Paoli.jpg

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De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

Battle_of_Paoli.jpg (720 × 413 píxels, mida del fitxer: 343 Ko, tipus MIME: image/jpeg)

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English: A Dreadful scene of havock, depicting the British light infantry and light dragoons attacking the Continental Army encampment at Paoli on 20 September 1777. The picture was painted in London and was commissioned for a British Army officer who had participated in the battle, possibly a Lieutenant Martin Hunter of the 52nd Regiment of Foot, the only British officer wounded in the battle.
  • Left: Horsemen of the 16th Light Dragoons charge Continental infantry, while horsemen of the 1st and 2nd Continental Light Dragoons ride away firing their sidearms.
  • Center foreground: Captain William Wolfe of the 40th Regiment of Foot lies dead, while Lieutenant Hunter bandages his right hand.
  • Center background: Two Continental platoons fire on greenjackets, likely Ferguson's Riflemen. A supply wagon is captured, and a Continental line fires from the woods to cover the main column's retreat.
  • Right: British light infantry bayonet Continental soldiers by their camp huts.
Font ExplorePAHistory.com
Autor Xavier della Gatta


Public domain

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British light infantry and light dragoons attacking the Continental Army encampment at Paoli on 20 September 1777

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351.527 byte

413 píxel

720 píxel

Historial del fitxer

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actual15:21, 11 maig 2012Miniatura per a la versió del 15:21, 11 maig 2012720 × 413 (343 Ko)S@breClearer, better colours
21:06, 30 abr 2010Miniatura per a la versió del 21:06, 30 abr 2010532 × 319 (35 Ko)S@bre{{Information |Description=British Light Infantry and Light Dragoons attacking the Pennsylvania camp at Paoli, 20 September 1777 |Source=[http://www.ushistory.org/paoli/images/dellagatta.jpg ushistory.org] |Date=1782 |Author=Xavier della Gatta |Permission

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