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Fitxer:Bret 22 aug 1999 2130Z.jpg

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Fitxer original (1.500 × 1.500 píxels, mida del fitxer: 588 Ko, tipus MIME: image/jpeg)

Descripció a Commons


Descripció Hurricane Bret on August 22 at approximately 2130 UTC. This image was produced from data from NOAA-14, provided by NOAA.
Font http://www.class.noaa.gov/
Dataset Name:NSS.HRPT.NJ.D99234.S2130.E2141.B2393636.WI
Autor NOAA / Satellite and Information Service
(Com reutilitzar aquest fitxer)
Public domain
This image is in the public domain because it contains materials that originally came from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, taken or made as part of an employee's official duties.

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The NOAA emblem is the property of the U.S. Government and a trademark of the United States Department of Commerce.


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601.782 byte

1.500 píxel

1.500 píxel

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actual23:21, 27 set 2007Miniatura per a la versió del 23:21, 27 set 20071.500 × 1.500 (588 Ko)Good kitty== Summary == {{Information |Description=Hurricane Bret on August 22 at approximately 2130 UTC. This image was produced from data from NOAA-14, provided by NOAA. |Source=http://www.class.noaa.gov/</br>Dataset Name:NSS.HRPT.NJ.D99234.S2130.E2141.B2393636.W

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