DescripcióCardinal MacRory October 7, 1930 (restoration).jpg
Cardinal MacRory (former Bishop of Down and Connor) pictured on his first official visit to Belfast. The quality of this photo is not good, but the contrasts of light and shade work, I think. This is an extract from the Irish Independent's solemn report on the Cardinal's visit to Belfast: "Lasting monuments to his self-sacrificing work exist on every side, but that which his Eminence may well value more than anything else is the respect and affection of the people whose shepherd he was during a period of bitter persecution. Happily the days of the pogrom have passed, but not yet has the dawn of even-handed justice come to brighten the lot of the Northern Catholics ... Truly, as was said, it is a terrible thing that in a Christian country, even as in Russia, people should be made to suffer because of their religion." Date: 7 October 1930 NLI Ref.: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">IND_H_1411</a>
Això és una imatge retocada, cosa que vol dir que ha estat alterada digitalment de la seva versió original. Modificacions: restoration (cleaned, brightness). L'original es pot veure a: Cardinal MacRory October 7, 1930.jpg: . Modificacions fetes per Hic et nunc.
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== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description=Cardinal MacRory (former Bishop of Down and Connor) pictured on his first official visit to Belfast. The quality of this photo is not good, but the contrasts of light and shade work, I think. This is a...
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Fitxer:Cardinal MacRory October 7, 1930 (restoration).jpg