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Fitxer:Classical swine fever kidneys.jpg

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Classical_swine_fever_kidneys.jpg (386 × 246 píxels, mida del fitxer: 31 Ko, tipus MIME: image/jpeg)

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Pinpoint hemorrhages on the kidneys are characteristic of classical swine fever.

Source:USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) outreach material brochure entitled "Classical Swine Fever: Still a Threat", linked to from [1] archive copy at the Wayback Machine. Program Aid #1662, dated September 1999.

Photo credit:Listed as APHIS file photo. (Note:Unfortunately most of the other images from this brochure are reproduced by permission, and probably not public domain.)

Public domain
This image or file is a work of a United States Department of Agriculture employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain.

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actual02:58, 25 juny 2007Miniatura per a la versió del 02:58, 25 juny 2007386 × 246 (31 Ko)JoelmillsPinpoint hemorrhages on the kidneys are characteristic of classical swine fever. Source:USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) outreach material brochure entitled "Classical Swine Fever: Still a Threat", linked to from [http://www.aphis.

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