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Fitxer:Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom in Scotland (1837-1952).svg

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De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

Fitxer original (fitxer SVG, nominalment 1.550 × 1.580 píxels, mida del fitxer: 2,19 Mo)

Descripció a Commons

Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the style used by Queen Victoria, King Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII and George VI (as used only in Scotland).

Quarterly, First and Fourth Or a lion rampant within a double tressure flory counter-flory Gules (for Scotland), Second quarter Gules three lions passant guardant in pale Or armed and langued Azure (for England), Third quarter Azure a harp Or stringed Argent (for Ireland), the whole surrounded by the Order of the Thistle; for a Crest, upon the Royal helm the imperial crown Proper, a lion sejant affrontée Gules, imperially crowned Or, holding in the dexter paw a sword and in the sinister paw a scepter both erect and Proper, motto ‘In defens’; Mantling Or and ermine; for Supporters, dexter a unicorn Argent armed, crined, unguled and crowned Proper, gorged with a coronet Or composed of crosses patée and fleurs de lys a chain affixed thereto passing between the forelegs and reflexed over the back also Or, supporting a tilting lance proper flying a banner Azure, a saltire Argent (Cross of Saint Andrew); sinister a lion rampant guardant Or imperially crowned Proper, supporting a tilting lance proper flying a banner Argent, a cross Gules (Cross of Saint George); Motto 'Nemo me impune lacessit' in the compartment below the shield, with the thistle.
  • PINCHES, J.H & R.V., The Royal Heraldry of England, 1974, Heraldry Today.
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Autor Sodacan
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Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom in Scotland

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1.949.269 byte

1.580 píxel

1.550 píxel

Historial del fitxer

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actual16:54, 11 gen 2025Miniatura per a la versió del 16:54, 11 gen 20251.550 × 1.580 (2,19 Mo)Dgp4004Minor corrections to crown
01:30, 25 oct 2024Miniatura per a la versió del 01:30, 25 oct 20241.550 × 1.580 (2,19 Mo)Dgp4004Use 1901 pattern Tudor Crown
14:16, 11 set 2022Miniatura per a la versió del 14:16, 11 set 20221.550 × 1.580 (1,86 Mo)Sodacanminor update
03:07, 4 nov 2021Miniatura per a la versió del 03:07, 4 nov 20211.550 × 1.580 (1,93 Mo)SodacanOptimized
21:44, 7 nov 2013Miniatura per a la versió del 21:44, 7 nov 20131.550 × 1.580 (3,95 Mo)Fry1989Please provide a source for change in harp
14:11, 7 nov 2013Miniatura per a la versió del 14:11, 7 nov 20131.550 × 1.580 (4,75 Mo)Suzuki Autoirish harp
21:45, 5 nov 2010Miniatura per a la versió del 21:45, 5 nov 20101.550 × 1.580 (3,95 Mo)Sodacannew compartment
17:56, 22 jul 2010Miniatura per a la versió del 17:56, 22 jul 20101.550 × 1.500 (5,11 Mo)Sodacan{{Information |Description='''Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland''' in the style used by Queen Victoria, King Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII and George VI (as used only in Scotland). ----- {{cquote|Quarterly,

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