DescripcióCoat of arms of Sofie Chotek of Hohenberg.png
Coat of arms of duchess Sophia Chotek of Hohenberg
English: Coat of arms (shield only) of Ferdinand Maria Chotek, bishop of Tarnów, Poland (1831 - 1832), archbishop of Olomouc, Czech republic (1832 - 1836).
A vectorized version of Shield of the coats of the Habsburg-Lorraine family. Right side the coat of arms of the village of Habsburg in Switzerland, in the middle the right-white-red coat of arms of Austria, on the right the coat of arms of Lorraine. Parts taken from:
Això és una imatge retocada, cosa que vol dir que ha estat alterada digitalment de la seva versió original. Modificacions: Coat of arms of duchess Sophia Chotek of Hohenberg. L'original es pot veure a: Wappen Habsburg-Lothringen Schild.svg: . Modificacions fetes per Kolomaznik.
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reconeixement – Heu de donar la informació adequada sobre l'autor, proporcionar un enllaç a la llicència i indicar si s'han realitzat canvis. Podeu fer-ho amb qualsevol mitjà raonable, però de cap manera no suggereixi que l'autor us dóna suport o aprova l'ús que en feu.
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2008-10-17T14:00:24Z Ogre 545x658 (244441 Bytes) slightly enlarged lion and moved birds as per request
2008-03-17T16:38:24Z Oren neu dag 545x658 (249933 Bytes) Correcting the part of Lorraine and comital Habsburg
2008-03-17T00:36:32Z Oren neu dag 545x658 (249935 Bytes) adding seperator between the parts of the duchy of Austria to the rest
2008-03-15T23:07:41Z Oren neu dag 545x658 (249574 Bytes)
2008-03-15T22:49:37Z Oren neu dag 550x659 (249493 Bytes) correcting the duchy of austria part
2008-03-15T22:46:28Z Oren neu dag 550x659 (249541 Bytes) {{Information |Description= A vectorized version of Shield of the coats of the [[Habsburg-Lorraine]] family. Right side the coat of arms of the village of [[Habsburg]] in Switzerland, in the middle the right-white-red coat of
{{Information |Description=Coat of arms of duchess Sophia Chotek of Hohenberg {{en|1=Coat of arms (shield only) of Ferdinand Maria Chotek, bishop of Tarnów, Poland (1831 - 1832), archbishop of Olomouc, Czech republic (1832 - 1836).}} A vectorized version