Comet Hyakutake. The photographer used a Super Polaris mount, without guiding corrections. Because of that, the stars are point-like, but the comet (which moved during the exposure) shows no detail. The photo was taken using the following equipement:
Lens: Nikon 300mm f/2,8
Film: Kodak Technical Pan
Exposure: 15 min at f/2,8.
Processing: Film was developed in a print developer, which resulted in very hight contrast. The hight contrast is good for the comet, but it enhances the vignetting very much.
Español: El cometa en su máxima aproximación, el 24 de Marzo de 1996.
Philipp Salzgeber released the pictures under CC-BY-SA-2.0-AT, see bottom of (and before he also gave me the personal permission at for GFDL-free usage)
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