English: [Casanova (left) and the condom]. Engraving in[1]: Casanova, Giacomo / Mémoires, écrits par lui-même, Bruxelles, J. Rozez, 1872, vol. 4 (read text excerpt below).
Français : [Casanova (à gauche) et la redingote anglaise]. Gravure dans[2] : Casanova, Giacomo / Mémoires, écrits par lui-même, Bruxelles, J. Rozez, 1872, vol. 4 (lire extrait ci-dessous).
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Note that a few countries have copyright terms longer than 70 years: Mexico has 100 years, Jamaica has 95 years, Colombia has 80 years, and Guatemala and Samoa have 75 years. This image may not be in the public domain in these countries, which moreover do not implement the rule of the shorter term. Honduras has a general copyright term of 75 years, but it does implement the rule of the shorter term. Copyright may extend on works created by French who died for France in World War II (more information), Russians who served in the Eastern Front of World War II (known as the Great Patriotic War in Russia) and posthumously rehabilitated victims of Soviet repressions (more information).
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English: "We found the three girls lightly clad and sitting on a large sopha, and we sat down opposite to them. Pleasant talk and a thousand amorous kisses occupied the half hour just before supper, and our combat did not begin till we had eaten a delicious repast, washed down with plenty of champagne. We were sure of not being interrupted by the maid and we put ourselves at our ease, whilst our caresses became more lively and ardent. The syndic, like a careful man, drew a packet of fine French letters from his pocket, and delivered a long eulogium on this admirable preservative from an accident which might give rise to a terrible and fruitless repentance. The ladies knew them, and seemed to have no objection to the precaution; they laughed heartily to see the shape these articles took when they were blown out." -- Casanova (text Laforgue, trad. Machen) @ ebooks.adelaide.edu.au
Français : "Nous trouvâmes nos trois demoiselles légèrement vêtues d'une robe de fine toile, assises sur un grand sofa, et nous nous assîmes sur des sièges vis-à-vis et tout près d'elles. De jolis propos et mille baisers amoureux occupèrent la demi-heure qui s'écoula jusqu'au souper, et nos ébats ne commencèrent qu'après un repas délicieux et au milieu des fumées du Champagne. Certains de n'être pas interrompus par la fille de service, nous nous mîmes à notre aise et nos caresses devinrent plus vives et plus ardentes. Le syndic, en homme soigneux, lira de sa poche un paquet de fines redingotes anglaises et se mit à faire un long éloge de cet admirable préservatif contre un accident qui pouvait faire naître un repentir affreux et inutile. Ces belles le connaissaient et paraissaient fort contentes de la précaution ; elles éclataient de rire en voyant la forme que prenaient ces fourreaux quand on les remplissait de vent." -- Casanova (texte Laforgue) @ books.google.com
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{{Information| |Description= Condoomgebruik in de 19e eeuw. (Bron [http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/cph.3a48915 Library of Congress]): No known restrictions on publication. |Source= |Date= |Author=User Jan Arkesteijn on [http://nl.wi
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