English: His Eminence Cardinal Antonio Innocenti during the Confirmation in the old rite in the Magistral Church. (At the left of the Cardinal is Msgr. Luigi Piovanelli, belonging to the Archdiocese of Siena and Prelate of the Militia Templi; to his left is Chancellor dom. Andrea Cappelli and H.E. the Grand Master.
S'ha alliberat aquesta obra al domini públic pel seu autor Frarodger. Això s'aplica a tot el món.
En alguns països això pot no ser legalment possible, en tal cas: Frarodger concedeix a tothom el dret d'usar aquesta obra per a qualsevol propòsit, sense cap condició llevat d'aquelles requerides per la llei.
(His Eminence Cardinal Antonio Innocenti during the Confirmation in the old rite in the Magistral Church. (At the left of the Cardinal is Msgr. Luigi Piovanelli, belonging to the Archdiocese of Siena and Prelate of the Militia Templi; to his left is Chance)
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