Entering a meeting of the Congreso de laS LenguaS, a counter-event to the Third International Congress of the Spanish Language, in Rosario, Argentina (mid-November 2004).
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Argentina has no "freedom of panorama" provision in its copyright law. At least some think there is de facto freedom of panorama in Argentina regarding buildings:
It is uncontroversially accepted that buildings can be reproduced by paintings or photographs, without this reproduction infringing copyright.
Se ha admitido pacificamente que los edificios puedan ser reproducidos mediante pinturas o fotografías, sin estimarse que esta reproducción lesione los derechos de autor.
— Dr. Emery, Miguel Angel (professor of intellectual property law in Argentina), Propiedad Intelectual, Astrea Publishing, 4th. edition ISBN9789505085231. p.40 op cit
Entering a meeting of the ''Congreso de laS LenguaS'', a counter-event to the Third International Congress of the Spanish Language, in Rosario, Argentina (mid-November 2004). '''Source:''' [http://acp.sindominio.net IndyACP]. Downloaded from imag
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