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Fitxer:Cover Nazis Islamist.jpg

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English: Book cover of "Nazis, Islamists and the Making of the Modern Middle East." (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2014). The jacket picture is based on a photograph made by Mielke on November 1, 1943. It is in the public domain within the Bundesarchiv holdings number "Bild 146-1978-070-05A." The photograph shows the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Muhammad Amin al-Husaini watching the training of Bosnian SS Muslim Voluntier troops in November 1943. The jacket composition was made by Yale University Press.
Font The jacket picture has been chosen by both authors of "Nazis, Islamists and the Making of the Modern Middle East" (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2014) Barry Rubin and Wolfgang G. Schwanitz. The composition of the book cover was done by Yale University Press. It contains a 1943 picture taken by Mielke.
Autor Front book cover image and jacket designed by Yale University Press.
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actual12:29, 17 març 2014Miniatura per a la versió del 12:29, 17 març 20141.768 × 2.617 (2,43 Mo)XeniqueUser created page with UploadWizard

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