This picture contains a copy of latin text, which you can find in medieval codex from second half of 12 century (look at Source). It's written by transalpine early gothic minuscule (or lately carolinian minuscule with gothic elements), except first " I ", one from unical. For more information see below.
This copy has been done by pencil, HP Photosmart C3180 (scaned), and MS Paint. That's why this copy is not exact, but very similar only.
Copy was created 2007-02-07
Codex from Biblioteque Municipale in Cambrai, Ms lat. 554, f. 121v.
Kürbis B., Dagome iudex - studium krytyczne : Początki państwa polskiego. Księga tysiąclecia, ed. K. Tymieniecki, vol. I, Poznań 2002 (reprint), ilustration 82, page 377; (There is a photo, which was taken in 60's by Polska Akademia Nauk)
Item in alio thomo sub Iohanne• XV• papa• dagone iudex et Ote Senatrix• et filii eorum misica• et lambertus• leguntur beato Petro contulisse unam civitatem in integrum• que• est• schig-nesne• cum omnibus suis pertinentiis infra hos affines• sicuti incipit a primo latere longum mare fine• Przze usque in locum qui dicitur russe• et fines russe extendente usque in Graccoa• et usque ad flumen odere recte in locum qui dicitur alemure; et ab ipsa ale-mura usque intra milze• et afine recte intra oddere• et exinde ducente iuxta flumen oddera• usque in predictam civitatem schinesche•
Also in another volume under [reign of] pope John XV we read, that Dagone, lord, and Ote, lady, and their sons Mieszko and Lambert were due to grant to saint Peter one entire city [or state], which is [called] Schignesne, with all its lands in those borders, as it begin from first side by cost of the long sea, and from there along border of Prussia to the place, which is called Rus, and straight along border of Rus till Kraków, and then till the Oder river straight to the place, which is called Alemura, and from this Alemura till the land of Milsko, and from its border straight under the Oder and from there along the Oder river till mentioned city [or state] of Shinesche.
Podobnie w innym tomie za Jana XV papieża czytamy, że Dagome, pan, i Ote, pani, i synowie ich Mieszko i Lambert mieli nadać świętemu Piotrowi w całości jedno miasto [lub państwo], które zwie się Schignesne, z wszystkimi jego przynależnościami w tych granicach, tak jak się zaczyna od pierwszego boku długim morzem, stąd granicą Prus aż do miejsca, które się nazywa Ruś, a granica Rusi ciągnąc aż do Krakowa, a potem aż do rzeki Odry prosto do miejsca, które zwie się Alemura, a od tejże Alemury aż po ziemię Milsko, a od jego granicy prosto pod Odrę i stąd prowadząc wzdłuż rzeki Odry aż do rzeczonego miasta [lub państwa] Schinesche.
This text was copied especially for one paragraph (7th on folia 121v), which is mainly known as "Dagome(Dagone) iudex". This is a piece of canonical work called "Collectio canonum". The reason is, that it is a very important text for Polish history, where it's used to fixing many things from the erliest times of Poland. However we don't know how it looked oririginally and we have only six different copies of that (you can see copy number 4 on the picture). That's why there are many studies, which tries to deduce real appearance of this by copies comparision. Very important thing is dependence between copies and which one has delivered the best forms. Here is a filiation diagram where copy on the picture is marked by blue;
6. Codex from Vatican Library Liber Censuum Cod. Vatic. lat. 8496;
5. Codex from Vatican Library Codex Ottobonianus Ms lat. 3057;
4. Codex from Municipal Library of Cambrai Codex Cameracensis Ms lat. 554;
Albinus, bishop of Albano Gesta Albini (between 1185 and 1198) lost;
1. Codex from Vatican Library Cod. Vatic. lat. 3833;
2. Codex from Vatican Library Cod. Vatic. lat. 1984;
3. Codex from National Library of France Ms lat. 1458;
Benedict, canon Liber Politicus (between 1140 and 1143) lost;
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{{Information |Description=This picture contains copy of latin text, which you can find in medieval codex from second half of 12 century (look at Source). It's written by transalpine early gothic minuscule (or lately carolinian minuscule with gothic eleme
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