English: *Description: Figure 10. Like isopleths, buffer lines as we normally encounter them are actually the projection of lines existing in three-dimensional space onto a two-dimensional plane.
Source: Frame limits and equations based off of similar figures in Horace W. Davenport. The ABC of Acid-Base Chemistry: The Elements of Physiological Blood-Gas Chemistry for Medical Students and Physicians. Sixth Edition. The University of Chicago Press. 1974.
Software: Graphics were generated using the programs Grapher and EazyDraw
Author: Jimmy Martenson
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
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(Frame limits and equations based off of similar figures in Horace W. Davenport. The ABC of Acid-Base Chemistry: The Elements of Physiological Blood-Gas Chemistry for Medical Students and Physicians. Sixth Edition. The University of Chicago Press. 1974.)