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English: Scanning electron microscopy image of the newly found iron-magnesium silicate. Top: SEM-BSE panoramic image of the section containing new magnesium silicate (OL: olivine). The dashed lines indicate the walls of the shock-induced melt vein. The red rectangular area indicates the region enlarged in the bottom BSE image. Bottom: enlarged area depicted in the top panel; elgoresyite (ELG) [(Mg,Fe) 5 Si 2 O 9 ], indicated with the dotted red line, is associated with ringwoodite (RGW), olivine (OL), tetragonal ringwoodite (SPD), taenite (TAE), and MgSiO 3 -rich glass. The image is published in an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Font https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Scanning-electron-microscopy-image-of-the-newly-found-iron-magnesium-silicate-Top_fig1_354020194
Autor Bindi, Luca and Sinmyo, Ryosuke and Bykova, Elena and Ovsyannikov, Sergey and Mccammon, Catherine and Kupenko, Ilya and Ismailova, Leyla and Dubrovinsky, Leonid and Xiande, Xie
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Image extraction process Aquest fitxer té una imatge extreta: Elgoresyite (cropped).png.


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actual12:16, 13 oct 2022Miniatura per a la versió del 12:16, 13 oct 2022750 × 1.198 (561 Ko)YuangaUploaded a work by Bindi, Luca and Sinmyo, Ryosuke and Bykova, Elena and Ovsyannikov, Sergey and Mccammon, Catherine and Kupenko, Ilya and Ismailova, Leyla and Dubrovinsky, Leonid and Xiande, Xie from https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Scanning-electron-microscopy-image-of-the-newly-found-iron-magnesium-silicate-Top_fig1_354020194 with UploadWizard

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