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Fitxer:Emma Perry Carr (1880-1972).jpg

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Fitxer original (2.151 × 3.014 píxels, mida del fitxer: 423 Ko, tipus MIME: image/jpeg)

Descripció a Commons



Description: After earning her Ph.D. at the University of Chicago, Emma Perry Carr (1880-1972) taught in the department of chemistry at Mount Holyoke College until becoming professor emeritus in 1946. A pioneer in work on simple unsaturated hydrocarbons and on absorption spectra, Carr received the American Chemical Society's Francis P. Garvan Medal in 1937.

Creator/Photographer: Unidentified photographer

Medium: Black and white photographic print

Persistent URL: http://photography.si.edu/SearchImage.aspx?id=5847

Repository: Smithsonian Institution Archives

Collection: Accession 90-105: Science Service Records, 1920s – 1970s - Science Service, now the Society for Science & the Public, was a news organization founded in 1921 to promote the dissemination of scientific and technical information. Although initially intended as a news service, Science Service produced an extensive array of news features, radio programs, motion pictures, phonograph records, and demonstration kits and it also engaged in various educational, translation, and research activities.

Accession number: SIA2008-0364

Emma Perry Carr (1880-1972)

Autor Smithsonian Institution from United States
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Smithsonian Institution @ Flickr Commons


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actual06:28, 15 feb 2012Miniatura per a la versió del 06:28, 15 feb 20122.151 × 3.014 (423 Ko)Materialscientistcrop, contrast, retouching
14:57, 3 feb 2012Miniatura per a la versió del 14:57, 3 feb 20122.427 × 3.346 (827 Ko)File Upload Bot (Magnus Manske){{Information |Description='''Description''': After earning her Ph.D. at the University of Chicago, Emma Perry Carr (1880-1972) taught in the department of chemistry at Mount Holyoke College until becoming professor emeritus in 1946. A pioneer in work on

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