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Text Appearing Before Image:Fig. (j6. — Portal of thePalace of Firuzabad. A ED A Silin S EMPIRE. 209 is proved by fragments at Warka; this they transmitted to theArabs, who brought it to Egypt and Spain. The use of majolicacame to Italy by another route, from Pitzunda in Abkhasia andErivan to Pisa, where it was first employed in the thirteenth cen-tury in the church of Saint Cecilia. Likewise the primitive Chal-daic decoration of walls with sunken panels was evolved into anarrangement of pilasters spanned by an arch. This motive ismet with again in the Byzantine church at Ani in Armenia as wellas in Firuzabad. Ardashir, the King of Kings, had the unprecedented good for-tune of subjugating almost all the Parthian countries. Only in afew regions of difficult approach Parthian famihes still maintainedtheir supremacy, as, for instance, the Aspahapet in Tabaristan,whose sway was destined to outhve that of the Sassanians. King
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