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Fitxer:François Bordes.png

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François_Bordes.png (243 × 339 píxels, mida del fitxer: 28 Ko, tipus MIME: image/png)

Descripció a Commons
Descripció François Bordes during a flint knapping experiment - François Bordes lors d'une expérience de taille de silex par percussion indirecte - François Bordes realizando un experimento de talla por percusión indirecta
Font Department of Archaeology, Conservation and Historical Studies. University of Oslo
Autor Universiti of Oslo Hammer mode
(Com reutilitzar aquest fitxer)
© El titular dels drets d'autor d'aquest fitxer permet que qualsevol pugui utilitzar-lo per a qualsevol propòsit, sempre que el titular dels drets d'autor sigui reconegut correctament. La redistribució, les obres derivades, l'ús comercial i qualsevol altre ús està permès.

Dear José Manuel Benito Álvarez

Original source is a photo by John C. Whittaker, taken at Carsac, France, summer 1973, published in Flintknapping: Making and Understanding Stone Tools, John C. Whittaker, University of Texas Press, 1994

You have hereby our permission to reproduce the image http:// www.hf.uio.no/iakh/forskning/sarc/iakh/SARCimages/bordes.gif) in Wikipedia.

Best wishes

Olaf Christensen Information Officer Department of Archaeology, Conservation and Historical Studies University of Oslo webmaster@hf.uio.no

On 02.10.2006 09:13, Torstein Helleve wrote:

Original Message --------

Subject: Permission to reproduce an image Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 02:56:33 +0200

From: José Manuel <jbenit1@platea.pntic.mec.es>

To: webmaster@hf.uio.no

Dear Sir:

I write you to ask permission to reproduce your image (http:// www.hf.uio.no/iakh/forskning/sarc/iakh/SARCimages/bordes.gif) in Wikipedia, an open project for the creation of a free encyclopedia. My intention is to include the image/s there (at the moment in the biography of François Bordes and one article about experimental flintknapping, both in Spanish)

Wikipedia was born in 2001, and in only five years of life it counts with thousands of articles in dozens of languages, thanks to the work of thousands of writers. You can visit the Spanish version, with a total of 136.652 articles at http://es.wikipedia.org. All version, in more than 200 languages, sum more than 2.600.000 articles.

Wikipedia's texts and images are published under GNU Free Documentation License, known as GFDL. You can read the original version in http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html . If you want, in the description page of the image we can leave an explaining note ("Image reproduced under GFDL with the authorization of "your name" ") and a link to the original, but the freedom of utilize and modify which is referred in GFDL is indispensable. This note won't appear at the epigraph of the image. The image will be linked to its description page, where the note and the link to the original will appear.

Without anything else to say, I thank you in advance your attention. Yours sincerely,

José Manuel Benito Álvarez

http://jose-manuel-benito-alvarez.tk/ jbenit1@platea.pntic.mec.es

P.D: In case that you accept this authorization, I ask you to quote that you agree with the publication of the material under GFDL license.

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La pàgina de descripció original era aquí. Els noms d'usuari a continuació es refereixen a en.wikipedia.

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  • 2006-10-03 16:08:06 | Locutus Borg | 28408 | 243×339 | {{Information |Description=François Bordes realizando un experimento de talla por percusión indirecta |Source= [http://www.hf.uio.no/iakh/forskning/sarc/ Department of Archaeology, Conservation and Historical Studies. University of Oslo] |Date= |Author


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Photograph of Francois Bordes, 1973.

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339 píxel

243 píxel

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actual13:05, 16 maig 2013Miniatura per a la versió del 13:05, 16 maig 2013243 × 339 (28 Ko)120{{CH2MoveToCommons|en.wikipedia|year={{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}|month={{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}}|day={{subst:CURRENTDAY}}}} The tool and the bot are operated by User:Jan Luca and User:Magnus Manske. {{Information |Description = François Bordes dur...

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