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Fitxer:Indians at work magazine july 1940 navajo lasso native americans cowboy.jpg

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English: A typical cover of "Indians at Work", a print magazine produced by two cooperating US Department of the Interior sub-agencies: the US Indian Service and also the Office of Indian Affairs (the latter, now called the Bureau of Indian Affairs). "Indians at Work" attempted to highlight some of the more positive aspects of reservation life while also providing, WPA style, gainful employment for a team of government photographers including Gordon Sommers who later provided photos for the Los Angeles Times. Other well-known New Deal era government photographers, mostly working under authority of the Department of Agriculture, of the Department of the Interior, or of the Works Progress Administration included Ansel Adams, Walker Evans, Minor White, Gordon Parks, Ben Shahn, Dorothea Lange, and Arthur Rothstein. This July 1940 cover image shows a close-up of a young male Navajo horse-rider with a lasso and lariat coil of ranch-rope at the ready.
Font US DOI now-defunct sub-agency: Office of Indian Affairs
Autor (US DOI) Office of Indian Affairs staff
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Public domain This image or media file contains material based on a work of a United States Department of the Interior employee, created as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, such work is in the public domain in the United States. See the Department of the Interior copyright policy for more information.


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actual04:25, 1 nov 2009Miniatura per a la versió del 04:25, 1 nov 2009569 × 775 (61 Ko)Cramyourspam{{Information |Description={{en|1= A typical cover of "Indians at Work", a print magazine produced by two cooperating US Department of the Interior sub-agencies: the US Indian Service and also the Office of In

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