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Fitxer:Joshua Redman Kongsberg Jazzfestival 2017 (234336).jpg

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English: Joshua Redman with Trondheim Jazz Orchestra and Eirik Hegdal at the stage of Kongsberg Musikkteater. The concert was part of Kongsberg Jazzfestival and took place on 06. July 2017.

Joshua Redman (saxophone)

Artistic director:
Eirik Hegdal (saxophone)

Trondheim Jazz Orchestra:
Trine Knutsen (flute)
Stig Førde Aarskog (clarinet)
Eivind Lønning (trumpet)
Stein Villanger (french horn)
Daniel Weiseth Kjellesvik (french horn)
Tor Haugerud (drums)
Erik Johannessen (trombone)
Ola Kvernberg (violin)
Marianne Baudouin Lie (cello)
Øyvind F. Engen (cello)
Nils Olav Johansen (guitar)

Ole Morten Vågan (double bass)
Norsk nynorsk: Avbilda : Joshua Redman
Arrangement: Trondheim Jazz Orchestra, Eirik Hegdal og Joshua Redman
Høve, arrangør eller stad : Kongsberg Jazzfestival 2017, Kongsberg Musikkteater
Data 23:43:36.00
Font Treball propi
Autor Tore Sætre
(Com reutilitzar aquest fitxer)
This photo was taken by Tore Sætre, some rights reserved.

The photo can be used freely under the terms of the following license: Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0.
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1) Credit Photo: Tore Sætre / Wikimedia in the immediate vicinity of the image.
2) You are encouraged, but not required, to hyperlink or display this URL http://www.setre.net/, or on Twitter and Instagram my account @toresetrephoto.
If you make use of this picture outside of the Wiki community, drop me a note and let me know how you are using the image.
For a closer crop, higher resolutions or other licenses, please email me at tore@setre.net.

Posició de la càmera59° 39′ 54,22″ N, 9° 38′ 38,78″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Aquesta i altres imatges properes a: OpenStreetMapinfo


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