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AACTA Awards Sydney, Australia

It's the hottest ticket in town - the who's who of the Australian film and television industry are here at the AACTA awards.

The mega event is being held at the world famous Sydney Opera House and was broadcast via Channel 9 at 9.30pm.

The 4 legged star of Red Dog, Koko, was notably absent at the red carpet of the Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts Awards - alas his film is nominated for 8 awards.

The red carpet at the first-time awards ceremony at the Sydney Opera House played host to some of Australia’s most internationally acclaimed actors including Cate Blanchett, Olivia Newton-John and AACTA President, and Aussie of the Year, Geoffrey Rush.

Cate Blanchett looked great in gold.

Olivia Newton-John performed for the audience and wore a conservative black dress.

Newton-John’s co-star in 'A Few Best Men', Xavier Samuel, who rose to international fame as Riley Biers in 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse', praised the state of the Australian film industry.

“The Australian film industry is thriving. I think Red Dog is a terrific film,” he said.

“The important thing is Australians are going to see Australian films.”

Director of Red Dog, Kriv Stenders, also commented on the quality of current Australian films saying his movie faced strong competition from all of the nominated flicks.

“What’s wonderful is it’s a year where we’ve got great films, and great filmmakers and great creative teams,” he said.

“I think it’s a really good sign of the times.”

He apologised for the absence of the Koko - the star of the film.

“Sometimes we have to let him be a dog,” he said.

Model Miranda Kerr, wife of Hollywood actor Orlando Bloom, wore silver for the night with a Collette Dinnigan gown and confided to press she had not yet seen the top nominated film of the night.

“I really want to see Red Dog,” she said.

“I haven’t seen it but I’m dying to see it.”

The AACTA awards recognise excellence in Australian film and television.

It also has an international awards section, which took place in Los Angeles on Saturday with presenters Nicole Kidman, Russell Crowe and Liam Hemsworth.

The Music News Australia agency congratulates everyone involved in the success of the AACTA Awards.


Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts (AACTA) www.aacta.org

Australian Film Institute www.afi.org.au

The Lantern Group www.lanterngroup.com.au

Sydney Opera House www.sydneyoperahouse.com

Music News Australia www.musicnewsaustralia.com

Eva Rinaldi Photography www.evarinaldi.com

Eva Rinaldi Photography Flickr

Data 31 de gener de 2012, 18:33 (according to Exif data)
Font Judy Davis - Eye of The Storm
Eva Rinaldi (1971–)  wikidata:Q37885816
Eva Rinaldi
Descripció fotògrafa i actriu australiana
Data de naixement 16 de novembre de 1971 Edita-ho a Wikidata
Lloc de naixement Sydney Edita-ho a Wikidata
Lloc de treball
Control d'autoritats
creator QS:P170,Q37885816


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2 de febrer de 2012


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