English: Labuntsovite-Fe xls to 0.5-0.6 mm. Gift of László and Elsa Horváth (Sept 2000) from an analyzed find of 1996 in a hornfelsized shale xenolith. MOB coll. These xls are not large but they are much bigger (and better) than any of the labuntsovite-Mn that I found in the miarolitic cavities (Demix-Varennes quarry, Saint-Amable sill, Varennes & St-Amable, Lajemmerais RCM, Montérégie, Québec, Canada). There are even slightly bigger xls on this specimen, but these are the best ones that are not lying flat on the matrix. This is actually a view into one of the small seams visible on the side of http://www.mindat.org/photo-173866.html The matrix is full of tiny pyrrhotite xls, some of which grow freely into the seams. The interiors are very fresh and bright and the surfaces of embedded xls can also be bright. But the xls that grow into the seams are tarnished and dark. The ones I have are too small to photograph with acceptable results. There is a stereo child photo.
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Títol de la imatge
Modified by CombineZP
Resolució horitzontal
96 ppp
Resolució vertical
96 ppp
Programari utilitzat
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows
Data i hora de modificació del fitxer
23:41, 25 feb 2012
Espai de color
Sense calibrar
4.607 px
3.583 px
Amplada de la imatge
3.563 px
Alçària de la imatge
2.084 px
Dia i hora de digitalització
18:41, 25 feb 2012
Data que s'ha modificat les metadades per última vegada