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English: Five lonely houses isolated from civilization, each on it’s own private island. You’ve been gifted one house and you can pick from one of those five. Which island would you pick, and why? Comment your pick 💬👇🏼 All of the five islands are in the Vestmannaeyjar Archipelago, Heimaey is the main island and the only one that has permanent population 🏘
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Autor H0rdur.kristleifsson

Many people are curious who the real owner of this house in the loneliest place in the world is, a music legend or an eccentric billionaire.

On the remote and desolate island of Elliðaey in the Vestmannaejar archipelago, off the south coast of Iceland, lies a lone white house perched on a hill of verdant grass. The image of this isolated small house is nicknamed "the loneliest house in the world" by many. The more often Elliðaey appeared in the articles, the Internet..., aroused curiosity about the people who lived there - or the real owner of the house. One of the most popular rumors, which first appeared in the press, was that the Icelandic government gave the island to pop artist Bjork. According to information, Bjork wants to build himself a resort on a remote island, with a recording studio.

However, in reality Bjork had no such intention, and rumors were just rumors. The female artist briefly discussed with the Icelandic government about using another island, with a similar name to Elliðaey, in the early 2000s. She later canceled the project due to negative reactions from the press. solstice. Today, there is no connection between the singer and the island with the loneliest house in the world.

Rumors continue to swirl around the strange and lonely house on the uninhabited island. Another popular theory was born, after information about Bjork was denied. That is the theory about the real owner of the house is a mysterious, eccentric billionaire. The house was built with the mission to be the home for the billionaire if the apocalypse happened and the world was occupied by zombies. Besides, many people believe that this is the resting place of a hermit. This person can be a fanatic, religious figure and use the house for mysterious, supernatural activities.

But reality is much less interesting than rumors. In the 18th century, the island was inhabited by many households. They live mainly on two main sources of food, fish and albatross. By the 1930s, the remaining 5 residents decided to improve their lives by moving inland. The island has been deserted ever since.

So where did the white house come from? Though life on Elliðaey is fraught with difficulties, it does have one advantage: a readily available and abundant supply of puffer fish, and former residents and neighbors regularly return to the island to hunt. In the 1950s, the Elliðaey Hunting Association decided to build a base on the island to make these trips easier.

Many people, when looking at a photo of a house in the middle of a large nature, often praise this as a poetic scene, worthy of a resort to help people stay away from the noisy life. But the conditions in the house are not so poetic. The house lacks electricity, running water and even indoor plumbing. But it still has a sauna, serving fishermen to rest after a day of hunting, using a natural rainwater collection system.

Before the pandemic, tour companies operating on the Vestmannaejar archipelago were still selling day tours to the island of Elliðaey. Visitors cannot stay at the house, unless they are a member of a hunting association, or a close friend of one of the members. However, many visitors said that just being able to see the small house from the outside by driving a boat here is an interesting experience.


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actual15:32, 24 feb 2022Miniatura per a la versió del 15:32, 24 feb 20221.440 × 1.800 (417 Ko)H0rdur.kristleifssonUploaded own work with UploadWizard

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