English: Ma Alalta volcano (center), also known as Pierre Pruvost, is an 1815-m-high stratovolcano located well to the west of the Danakil depression. A large trachytic and rhyolitic stratovolcano at the center of the Ma Alalta complex contains nested oval-shaped summit calderas, 6 km and 4 km wide in the long direction. Young basaltic lava flows were erupted on the NW, SE, and eastern flanks of the volcano, and young pantelleritic obsidian domes and lava flows were erupted on the volcano's southern flank.
El lloc web de la NASA disposa d'un gran nombre d'imatges de l'Agència Espacial Russa, o soviètica, i d'altres agències no nord-americanes. Aquestes imatges no són necessàriament en el domini públic.
{{Information |Description={{en|1=Ma Alalta volcano (center), also known as Pierre Pruvost, is an 1815-m-high stratovolcano located well to the west of the Danakil depression. A large trachytic and rhyolitic stratovolcano at the center of the Ma Alalta co
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