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De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

Fitxer original (6.116 × 1.210 píxels, mida del fitxer: 4,88 Mo, tipus MIME: image/jpeg)

Descripció a Commons

This picture was assembeled by me from multiple pictures taken in June 2005 from a location somewhat to the north east of the city of nablus in occupied west bank in historical palestine, the picture shows to the right a side of northern mountain "ebal" with the rock of "sit islamieh" and to the left the south mountain "jirziem" with the israeili military post on the far left.

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Aquest fitxer està publicat sota la llicència de Creative Commons Reconeixement i Compartir Igual 1.0 Genèrica.
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actual21:00, 13 jul 2005Miniatura per a la versió del 21:00, 13 jul 20056.116 × 1.210 (4,88 Mo)Uwe aThis picture was assembeled by me from multiple pictures taken in June 2005 from a location somewhat to the north east of the city of nablus in occupied west bank in historical palestine, the picture shows to the right a side of northern mountain "ebal"

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