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Fitxer original (fitxer SVG, nominalment 2.754 × 1.398 píxels, mida del fitxer: 1,05 Mo)

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English: Signatories (yellow) and parties (blue) to the Paris Agreement
Accepted, not entered into force
Parties also covered by EU ratification
Deutsch: Singatarstaaten und Teilnehmer des Übereinkommens von Paris:
Abkommen unterzeichnet, aber bisher nicht ratifiziert
Abkommen unterzeichnet und ratifiziert
Unterzeichnende und ratifizierende Staaten der EU
Unterzeichnende, bisher nicht ratifizierende Staaten der Europäischen Union
Español: Firmantes (amarillo) y Partes (azul) del Acuerdo de París
En proceso de reentrada
Partes también cubiertas por la ratificación de la UE
Русский: Стороны, подписавшие Парижское соглашение
Соглашение подписано, но еще не ратифицировано
Соглашение подписано и ратифицировано
Принято, не вступило в силу
Подписавшие и ратифицировавшие государства ЕС
Čeština: Signatáři (žlutá) a účastníci (modrá) Pařížské dohody
účastníci duálně zastoupeni EU
Français : Signataires (jaune) et Parties (bleu) de l'Accord de Paris sur le climat
Parties représentés également par l'U.E.
閩南語 / Bân-lâm-gú:nan ê Chhiam-sú-kok (chúi-le̍k-sek) kap Chham-ka-kok (kam-á-sek)
Hâm tī Au-chiu Liân-bêng phe-chún lāi-bīn ê Chham-ka-kok
日本語: パリ協定の署名国(緑色)及び締結国(黄色)
Font This file uses File:Detailed Blank World Map.svg as a basis. Changes to the paths and their classes, are shown in the Changelog, which is included at the beginning of the file. Please do also update the Changelog, so that at any time the file can be updated easily if the political map (state borders) changes in the future.
Autor L.tak
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Signatories (yellow) and parties (blue) to the Paris Agreement

Elements representats en aquest fitxer

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(les més noves | les més antigues) Mostra (10 posteriors | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
actual03:14, 25 gen 2025Miniatura per a la versió del 03:14, 25 gen 20252.754 × 1.398 (1,05 Mo)AbzeronowReverted to version as of 17:53, 21 January 2025 (UTC), factually the US is still a member, per talk page I'd be OK with a compromise color
16:53, 22 gen 2025Miniatura per a la versió del 16:53, 22 gen 20252.754 × 1.398 (1,11 Mo)TospsyReverted to version as of 15:32, 21 January 2025 (UTC) - Following precedent, the first time the usa withdrew it was shown as not in the agreement before the 12 month period.
18:53, 21 gen 2025Miniatura per a la versió del 18:53, 21 gen 20252.754 × 1.398 (1,05 Mo)RachelTensionsReverted to version as of 09:04, 21 January 2025 (UTC) - Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement takes 12 months. The EO does not immediately remove the country from the agreement, just starts the process.
16:32, 21 gen 2025Miniatura per a la versió del 16:32, 21 gen 20252.754 × 1.398 (1,11 Mo)The Account 2Reverted to version as of 23:56, 20 January 2025 (UTC) unexplained revert
10:04, 21 gen 2025Miniatura per a la versió del 10:04, 21 gen 20252.754 × 1.398 (1,05 Mo)BtomblinsonReverted to version as of 12:37, 18 July 2024 (UTC)
00:56, 21 gen 2025Miniatura per a la versió del 00:56, 21 gen 20252.754 × 1.398 (1,11 Mo)Louloumra59do not revort all the versions made for 4 years !
00:53, 21 gen 2025Miniatura per a la versió del 00:53, 21 gen 20251.104 × 566 (1,43 Mo)GarryborerReverted to version as of 20:02, 5 November 2020 (UTC)
13:37, 18 jul 2024Miniatura per a la versió del 13:37, 18 jul 20242.754 × 1.398 (1,05 Mo)SaippuakauppiasCircle: nonparties with radius 4, parties with radius 6. Changelog to World_Map.svg is in the file.
11:41, 18 jul 2024Miniatura per a la versió del 11:41, 18 jul 20242.754 × 1.398 (1,05 Mo)SaippuakauppiasAruba, signed but not ratified, as the kingdom of the netherlands specifically exludes the carribean countries
10:37, 18 jul 2024Miniatura per a la versió del 10:37, 18 jul 20242.754 × 1.398 (1,05 Mo)SaippuakauppiasGL signed up on 14 Nov 2024 (https://unric.org/en/greenland-signs-up-for-paris-agreement/), used World_Map.svg, change log to the map is in the svg commented (Puerto Rico inside .us), all territories according to the new table in the article
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