File:Brosen ironcarbon.svg és una versió vectorial (SVG) d'aquest fitxer. En cas de ser millor, hauria de ser emprada en lloc d'aquesta imatge tramada.
An English version of Diag phase fer carbone.png, with grey tones cleaned up and some modification of text. Adaptation by Polyparadigm. Description of original image follows:
Iron-carbon phase diagram under atmospheric pressure
This diagram is limited by pure iron on the left and by iron carbide on the right. The mains phases are:
We can see an eutectic and an eutectoid; these phases crystallise as a stacking of fine strips of pure phases (iron and cementite) in case of the eutectoid, or a pure iron containing small balls of cementite for the eutectic. Although it is heterogeneous, these phases behave like homogeneous pure bodies.
Steel is between 0 and 2 mass percent of carbon. Cast iron is between 1,7 and 6,67%.
Author : Christophe Dang Ngoc Chan
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An English version of Diag phase fer carbone.png, with grey tones cleaned up and some modification of text. Adaptation by Polyparadigm. Description of original image follows: ---- Iron-carbon phase diagram under atmospheric pressure This diag
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