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Pyramide-satellite-sesostris2.jpg (667 × 500 píxels, mida del fitxer: 77 Ko, tipus MIME: image/jpeg)

Descripció a Commons


Descripció pyramide satellite de Sésostris II à Illahoun
Font www.egyptarchive.co.uk
Autor Jon Bodsworth
(Com reutilitzar aquest fitxer)
This file was transferred from Egypt Archive website under the license Copyrighted free use (see permission here). In short: you are free to use it for any purpose including unrestricted redistribution, commercial use, and modification.

This is Mr. Jon Bodsworth's statement about his pictures from Egypt Archive:

"All the photographs on this site are from my own originals and are copyright free. They can be reproduced in any medium. If you use any on the web I would appreciate an email. This site was designed to put as many photographs on the web as possible in an easy to use format. I have deliberately kept captions to a minimum but if you would like more information on any of the photographs let me know.

The photographs on this website are only a small proportion of over 3,500 that I have covering many areas of Egypt. If there is a specific photograph that you are looking for please let me know."

If you use any of the pictures on the web, the author Jon Bodsworth would appreciate an email: jon@egyptarchive.co.uk

As of March 2011, Egypt Archive website was closed so if a file is uploaded after that time we need further proof of permission.


El titular dels drets d'aquesta obra permet a tothom utilitzar-la per a qualsevol propòsit incloent-hi la redistribució lliure, ús comercial i modificació.

Si la imatge exigeix una atribució, utilitzeu {{Attribution}} en comptes d'aquesta
Si és la vostra pròpia obra, utilitzeu {{PD-self}} en comptes d'aquesta.


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actual13:43, 13 abr 2007Miniatura per a la versió del 13:43, 13 abr 2007667 × 500 (77 Ko)Bakha~commonswiki{{Information |Description=pyramide satellite de Sésostris II à Illahoun |Source=www.egyptarchive.co.uk |Date=2007-04-04 |Author=Jon Bodsworth |Permission=All photographs on www.egyptarchive.co.uk are copyright free and can be reproduced in any medium (

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