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Fitxer:Queen Ahhotep II's sarcophagus.jpg

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English: Queen Ahhotep II was possibly the chief wife of pharaoh Kamose, the last ruler of the 17th dynasty of Egypt. Ahhotep II's gilded funerary sarcophagus, originally discovered at Dra Abu el-Naga, is now located in the Cairo Museum of Egypt. It is 2.12 metres or almost 7 feet long. Her tomb originally contained several items bearing the name of Kamose, but more objects in it were inscribed with the name of Ahmose I.
Font https://www.flickr.com/photos/menesje/505840809/
Autor Hans Ollermann


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Aquesta imatge, originalment publicada a Flickr, ha estat verificada el 27 de juliol de 2009 per l'administrador o usuari acreditat MBisanz, i ha confirmat que en aquella data estava disponible a Flickr sota la llicència indicada.


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actual00:05, 27 jul 2009Miniatura per a la versió del 00:05, 27 jul 2009409 × 623 (47 Ko)Leoboudv{{Information |Description={{en|1=Queen Ahhotep I was the chief queen of pharaoh Seqenenre of the late 17th dynasty and the mother of king Ahmose I, the founder of the 18th dynasty who unified Egypt in his reign. Her fu

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