DescripcióRuins of the Pandroseion on May 19, 2020.jpg
English: "The Pandroseion, a sanctuary dedicated to Pandrosos, was founded north to the Old temple of Athena already in the Archaic Period. Pandrosos, the kind and obedient daughter of the legendary king of Athena, Kekrops, was the first priestess of Athena Polias, the patron goddess of the city.
The Pandroseion was founded in the area of the Acropolis where the oldest sacred spots of the Athenians were preserved, such as the signs of the contest between Athena and Poseidon for the patronage of the city; the sacred olive tree, which sprung when the goddess struck the rock with her spear, giving her the victory; the salty spring, which appeared when Poseidon struck his trident; and the tomb of king Kekrops, who was the judge or a witness of the contest of the two gods, according to the myth.
The sacred olive tree of Athena was enclosed in the sanctuary of Pandrosos, while Kekrops' tomb was protected by a separate precinct wall at the southeast. The early Pandroseion, whose form is unknown, was destructed by the Persians in 480 B.C.
Today, a few remains of the classical sanctuary are preserved at the west wall of the Erechtheion, as well as parts of the foundation of its north boundary. These remains indicate that it was an oper-air sanctuary of a trapezoidal plan with a stoa of the Ionic Order at the north side. The entrance of the sanctuary was a small propylon (gate) at the east end of the stoa. The altar of Herkeios Zeus, protector of the family, was located in the court under the sacred olive tree.
The Pandroseion underwent alterations when the Erechtheion was built attached to its east side (431-406 B.C. or 421-406 B.C.). Then, the entrance was through a small undecorated wall at the right of the elaborate at the north porch of the Erechtheion. At that time, the court of the sanctuary was paved and part of Cecrops' tomb was integrated under the porch of the Caryatids. The olive tree that exists in the sanctuary today was planted in the beginning of the 20th cent. in memory of Athena's sacred tree." Text" Information board by the ruins.
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1/400 s (0,0025)
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Dia i hora de generació de les dades
17:50, 19 maig 2020
Longitud focal de la lent
24 mm
Resolució horitzontal
300 ppp
Resolució vertical
300 ppp
Programari utilitzat
Capture One 12.1.4 Windows
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Dia i hora de digitalització
17:50, 19 maig 2020
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0,96875 APEX (f/1,4)
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Distància focal per a pel·lícula de 35 mm
24 mm
Tipus de captura d'escena
Objectiu utilitzat
FE 24mm F1.4 GM
IIM versió
Fitxer:Ruins of the Pandroseion on May 19, 2020.jpg