Description: A frame of a NASA animation which looks like what happened on September 11, 2006. The Canadarm on Space Shuttle Atlantis, being operated by Canadian Space Agency astronaut Steve MacLean, handed the P3/P4 International Space Station Truss segment to the Canadarm2, which is attached to the station.
Quote from CSA website:
Today was a busy day for Canadian astronaut Steve MacLean. Steve worked with American astronaut Joseph Tanner to operate the docking systems as Atlantis docked with the Space Station. After boarding the Station, Steve operated Canadarm2 to pick up the P3/P4 truss as they were handed over by Canadarm, becoming the first Canadian to control the station's robotic arm from space. Shortly after the Canadarm2 grappled the P3/P4 truss, presented to it by the Canadarm Steve said "...and there you have it: the great Canadian handshake."
El lloc web de la NASA disposa d'un gran nombre d'imatges de l'Agència Espacial Russa, o soviètica, i d'altres agències no nord-americanes. Aquestes imatges no són necessàriament en el domini públic.
Source: Photo credit: NASA Description: Taken September 11, 2006. The Canadarm on Space Shuttle Atlantis, being operated by Canadian Space Agency astronaut Steve MacLean, handed the P3/P4 International
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