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San_Francisco_Pacific_Railroad_Bond_WPRR_1865.jpg (800 × 598 píxels, mida del fitxer: 549 Ko, tipus MIME: image/jpeg)

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English: $1,000 (30 year, 7%) "Pacific Railroad Bond" (#93 of 200) issued by the City and County of San Francisco under "An Act to Authorize the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco to take and subscribe One Million Dollars to the Capital Stock of the Western Pacific Rail Road Company and the Central Pacific Rail Road Company of California and to provide for the payment of the same and other matters relating thereto" approved on April 22, 1863, as amended by section Five of the "Compromise Act" approved on April 4, 1864, to fund the construction of the Western Pacific Railroad between San Francisco Bay (at Alameda) and the CPRR of Cal. at Sacramento, dated May 1, 1865 (full transcription below) (digitally scanned, reconstructed, restored, and enhanced)



$1000 Pacific Rail Road Bond $1000


No 93 [vignette] PAYABLE MAY FIRST A.D. 1895

The City & County of San Francisco in the State of California will pay to the Western Pacific Rail Road Company or to the holder hereof ONE THOUSAND DOLLs thirty years from the date hereof with interest thereon at the rate of SEVEN percent per Annum payable semi-annually on the First days of May and November of each year upon interest Coupons hereto attached, both principal and interest payable at the City and County of San Francisco in United States Gold Coin Dollar for Dollar. This Bond is transferable by delivery and binds the City and County of San Francisco to the payment of the principal and interest as herein expressed. This Bond is issued under and in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California entitled "An Act to Authorize the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco to take and subscribe One Million Dollars to the Capital Stock of the Western Pacific Rail Road Company and the Central Pacific Rail Road Company of California and to provide for the payment of the same and other matters relating thereto" Approved April 22nd AD 1863, and the vote of the people of the City and County of San Francisco in favor of said subscription at an election held in pursuance of the provisions of said Act. The principal and interest named in this Bond are secured and payable out of the Special Funds created therefor by said Act and known as the"Pacific Rail Road Interest Tax" and the "Pacific Rail Road Loan Fund."

The Laws and Ordinance by virtue whereof this Bond is issued, are indorsed hereon by relating their titles, and made a part hereof.

In Testimony Whereof, and in accordance with the Act afore-said and also the order of the said Board of Supervisors, The President of the Board of Supervisors, and the Auditor and Treasurer of the City and County of San Francisco, and Ex officio "Pacific Rail Road Loan Commissioners" have signed their names to the Bond, the County Clerk of the City & County aforesaid has countersigned the same, and the Board of Supervisors have caused the seal of the said City & County to be affixed hereto, this First day of May, A.D., One thousand Eight hundred and Sixty five.
 H. P. Coon [L.S.]

Pres t Board of Supervisors


[SEAL] H.M. Hale [L.S.]

City & County Auditor

Wm Loewy [L.S.] Jos. S. Paxson [L.S.]

[2 US R62c Cancelled] County Clerk City & County Treasurer

["CCSF Jun 24, 1864"]


Transcribed by Bruce C. Cooper
Data May 1, 1865 (bond); 1999 (scanning, reconstruction, digital restoration, and enhancement)
Font The Cooper Collection of U.S. Railroad History (Private Collection)
Autor City and County of San Francisco, California (bond); DigitalImageServices.com (scanning, reconstruction, digital restoration, and enhancement)


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United States
United States
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Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by Magnus Manske using CommonsHelper.

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  • 2009-07-12 17:34 Centpacrr 800×598× (562331 bytes) Fix html on name of image
  • 2009-07-12 17:12 Centpacrr 800×598× (562331 bytes) Pacific Railroad Bond issued by the City and County of San Francisco for construction of the Western Pacific Railroad, 1865

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