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The Patient Job   (Wikidata search (Cirrus search) Wikidata query (SPARQL)  Create new Wikidata item based on this file)
Gerard Seghers (1591–1651)  wikidata:Q951884
Gerard Seghers
Altres noms
Gerard Segers; Gerard Zegers; Gerard Zeghers
Descripció pintor, delineant, copista i pintor de cambra flamenc
Data de naixement i defunció 17 March 1591 (baptised) 18 de març de 1651 Edita-ho a Wikidata
Lloc de naixement i defunció Anvers Edita-ho a Wikidata Anvers Edita-ho a Wikidata
Període de treball 1603 fins 1651
date QS:P,+1650-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P580,+1603-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P582,+1651-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
Lloc de treball
Anvers (1603-1651), Nàpols (ca. 1611-1620), Roma (ca. 1611-1620), Espanya (?), Gant (1635), Amsterdam (1645)
Control d'autoritats
creator QS:P170,Q951884
The Patient Job
Object type pintura
object_type QS:P31,Q3305213

Job is seen refuting the idea of en:retributive justice endorsed by his friends. Job's misfortunates were indeed undeserved and he will later confront God in a second whirlwind (40:6 - 41:34). God tells Job it is not humans which are his most prized creation but en:Behemoth and en:Leviathan, or the monsters of chaos. Most scholars believe the particulars that follow correlate to the Crocodile and Whale.

He [crocodile] is the chief of God's works made to be tyrant over his fellow creatures (40:19)... He [whale] has no equal on earth, a creature utterly fearless. He looks down on all, even the highest: over all proud beasts he is king (41:33-34).
Material/Tècnica pintura
institution QS:P195,Q1419555
Origen/Fotògraf Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here. 2006-08-17 (original upload date), https://www.wga.hu/frames-e.html?/html/s/seghers/gerard/pati_job.html
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  • 2006-08-17 22:08 Biblical1 850×671×8 (94797 bytes) ''The Patient Job,'' [[Gerard Seghers]], National Gallery Prague. [[Job]] is seen refuting the idea of [[retributive justice]] endorsed by his friends. Job's misfortunates were indeed undeserved and he will later confront God in a second whirlwind (40:6

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actual19:08, 22 març 2007Miniatura per a la versió del 19:08, 22 març 2007850 × 671 (93 Ko)Liftarn{{Information |Description=''The Patient Job,'' Gerard Seghers, National Gallery Prague. Job is seen refuting the idea of en:retributive justice endorsed by his friends. Job's misfortunates were indeed undeserved and he

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