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English: Sepiolite (Dimensions: 3" x 2.5" x 2.5")
Locality: Eskişehir Province, Central Anatolia Region, Turkey
Old specimen (with five [!] old labels) of Meerschaum ("sea foam"), in essence Sepiolite from Turkey used for carving smoking pipes and other gee-gaws. Forms as nodules in red clay, then cleaned and dried and carved. Turkey banned export of the nodules in the 1970s to encourage the growth of home-grown meerschaum pipe carving, but only managed to kill off the European meerschaum pipe carving industry. More of this fascinating story on Wikipedia.
Details on the five labels for this specimen: old, hand-written [unintelligible owner name], J. Kenneth Fisher [Upper Darby, PA], John S. Albanese [Union, NJ], J. Cilen, and a modern label.
Deutsch: Sepiolith (Größe: 3" x 2.5" x 2.5"; entspricht 7,62 x 6,35 x 6,35 cm)
Fundort: Provinz Eskişehir, Region Zentralanatolien, Türkei
Font http://www.mindat.org/photo-469730.html
Autor John Krygier


Public domain S'ha alliberat aquesta obra al domini públic pel seu autor John Krygier. Això s'aplica a tot el món.
En alguns països això pot no ser legalment possible, en tal cas:
John Krygier concedeix a tothom el dret d'usar aquesta obra per a qualsevol propòsit, sense cap condició llevat d'aquelles requerides per la llei.


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actual10:10, 16 maig 2013Miniatura per a la versió del 10:10, 16 maig 20131.024 × 768 (150 Ko)Ra'ike== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description= {{en|Sepiolite (Dimensions: 3" x 2.5" x 2.5") ::Locality: Eskişehir Province, Central Anatolia Region, Turkey ::Old specimen (with five [!] old labels) of Meerschaum ("sea foam"), in...

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