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Fitxer original (1.462 × 1.800 píxels, mida del fitxer: 663 Ko, tipus MIME: image/jpeg)

Descripció a Commons
Deutsch: Sequoyah mit einer Tabelle der von ihm entwickelten Cherokee-Schrift.
English: Sequoyah with a tablet depicting his writing system for the Cherokee language. 19th-century print of a painting.
Français : Sequoyah tenant une tablette montrant son système d'écriture pour la langue cherokee. Une photographie d'un tableau datant du 19e siècle
Data segle xix
date QS:P,+1850-00-00T00:00:00Z/7
Font Source of this reproduction unknown. See also File:Sequoyah painting.jpg
Autor Lithographer: Lehman and Duval (George Lehman (d.1870); Peter S. Duval) Painter: Henry Inman (1801-20-28 - 1846-01-17); copy after a painting by Charles Bird King (1785 - 1862) which was lost in a fire in the Smithsonian in 1865.
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Sequoyah with a tablet depicting his writing system for the Cherokee language. 19th-century print of a painting.

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actual03:34, 4 gen 2015Miniatura per a la versió del 03:34, 4 gen 20151.462 × 1.800 (663 Ko)Scewingcleaner version from 1st edition
13:47, 26 set 2013Miniatura per a la versió del 13:47, 26 set 20131.070 × 1.251 (260 Ko)TungstenLarger image
17:15, 11 ago 2011Miniatura per a la versió del 17:15, 11 ago 2011382 × 427 (58 Ko)SwfarnsworthCropping. Some text at the bottom of the image was too small to be read, and was therefore removed.
06:58, 29 des 2006Miniatura per a la versió del 06:58, 29 des 2006500 × 720 (65 Ko)Ilmari Karonenremove background color and texture with GIMP / Resynthesizer
10:12, 23 feb 2006Miniatura per a la versió del 10:12, 23 feb 2006500 × 720 (59 Ko)BLueFiSH.astaken from en:Image:Sequoyah.jpg, there the upload comment was "21:44, 26. Okt 2004 . . Didactohedron (Talk) . . 500x720 (60136 Byte) (better version of the same image from LoC)"
20:56, 19 oct 2005Miniatura per a la versió del 20:56, 19 oct 2005182 × 224 (5 Ko)HaabetCategory:Indians

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