SigmanRock98ms.gif (379 × 494 píxels, mida del fitxer: 27 Ko, tipus MIME: image/gif, en bucle, 2 fotogrames, 0,2 s)
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Data/hora | Miniatura | Dimensions | Usuari/a | Comentari | |
actual | 14:56, 24 abr 2019 | ![]() | 379 × 494 (27 Ko) | Cactus26 | top and bottom line switched |
14:49, 24 abr 2019 | ![]() | 379 × 494 (27 Ko) | Cactus26 | == {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Dermonstration of onset-offset ambiguity regarding motion perception. SOA=98ms, ISI=0ms. Adapted from: * Vebjørn Ekroll, Franz Faul, Jürgen Golz: ''Classification of apparent motion percepts based on temporal factors.'' In: ''Journal of Vision.'' Volume 8, 2008, 31:1–22 ([ online]). * E. Sigman, I. Rock: ''Stroboscopic movement based on perceptual intelligence.'' In: ''Perce... |
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