Autostereogram Tutorial Animated Shark
A smaller version is also available.
Description: Animated autostereogram featuring a swimming shark
Source: Fred Hsu, March 2005.
Instructions: Watch this image while relaxing your eyes and allowing them to focus behind it (diverge) until you see the shark. You should try to start quite near to the screen - as soon as it works you can slowly move away.
Some people find this easier to do, but you won't get the intended result (converge): Hold your thumb close to the center of the image, and then focus on your thumbnail tip. Then while maintaining focus on your thumbnail tip slowly bring your thumb closer to your eyes until the shark outline shows up. Repeat as necessary until you see the shark outline.
23 de març de 2005 (original upload date)
No machine-readable source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright claims).
No machine-readable author provided. Fred Hsu assumed (based on copyright claims).
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