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Fitxer:System of gdr border fortification.jpg

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English: Diagram of the inner German border fortification system circa 1984.

The border (1) shown in the diagram cuts across a road which formerly linked east and west. Proceeding from west to east, the zonal border is marked on the western side by signposts (2) saying "HALT HIER GRENZE" ("STOP HERE BORDER"). Just behind the border, there is a border marker pole (3) with diagonal black, red and yellow stripes. The border is otherwise unmarked until the fortifications begin well into East German territory, leaving a strip of unfortified borderland (4). A short distance after the zonal border, i.e. on the Eastern side, the road is dug up (5), so there is an anti-vehicle ditch across its whole width. Then follows a metal-mesh fence (6), with a double gate (7) where the road is. To the left of the road, the metal-mesh fence forks to form a double fence (8); the area between the two fences is mined. Near the road, instead of a second metal-mesh fence, there is a concrete-faced anti-vehicle ditch (9). Next follows a flood-lit control strip (10); behind that, a guard patrol road running parallel to the border (11). After that comes a strip of open green territory containing various types of guard towers (13, 15, 16), a dog run (17) and an observation bunker (14); this is delimited by a signal fence which has floodlights spaced at regular intervals (18). The signal fence curves around a village (19) that is close to the border, excluding it from the border strip. Where it crosses the road, the signal fence has a gate (21), and further up the road, i.e. deeper in East German territory, the road is blocked by a horizontal barrier, beside which there is a little house (22).

Aragonés: Diagrama d'o sistema de fortificación d'a muga interalemana arredol de 1984.

A muga (1) amostrada en o diagrama talla una carretera que d'antis mas uniba este y ueste. Arribando dende l'ueste enta l'este, a muga ye marcada por a parti occidental por sinyals (2) que dicen "HALT HIER GRENZE" ("STOP MUGA AQUÍ"). Chusto dezaga d'a muga, bi ha un sinyal de muga (3) con franchas diagonals negras, royas y amariellas. Antiparti d'isto, a muga no ye marcada dica as fortificacions que se troban ya en territorio de l'Alemanya Oriental, deixando una francha de territorio mugant sin fortificar (4). Una curta distancia dimpués d'a zona de muga, ye decir en o canto oriental, a carretera ye tallada (5) por una canal anti-vehiclos que la cruza perpendicularment. Dimpués bi ha una cleta metalica (6), con doble puerta (7) a on bi ha carretera. A la ezquierda d'a carretera, a cleta metalica se bifurca ta formar una doble cleta (8); l'aria entre as dos cletas ye minada. Chunto a la carretera, en cuentas d'una segunda cleta de metal, bi ha una fuesa anti-vehiclos de formigón (9). A continación una francha de control iluminada por focos (10) y dezaga d'ista, una carretera paralela a la muga ta os guardias de control (11). Dimpués viene una francha de territorio verde ubierto con diferents menas de torres de control (13, 15, 16), recorrida por cans guardians de forma regular (17) y un bunker d'observación (14); que ye amugau por una cleta con focos instalaus a intervalos regulars (18). Ista zaguera cleta fa una curva arredol d'un lugar (19) que ye amán d'a muga, excluyindo-lo d'a francha d'a muga. Quan trescruza a carretera, a cleta tien una puerta (21) ta permitir o paso d'ista enta o territorio d'Alemanya Oriental, a on a carretera ye bloqueyada por una barrera horizontal, chunto a la que se troba una chicota casa (22).
Data cap a 1984
date QS:P,+1984-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902

Stacy, William E. US Army Border Operations in Germany. US Army Military History Office.

Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by User:Magnus Manske using CommonsHelper.
Autor Adapted by Vanished user 03 at en.wikipedia


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  • 2009-08-01 17:44 Vanished user 03 2853×2096× (2095279 bytes) {{Information |Description = Diagram of the [[inner German border]] fortification system ''circa'' 1984. |Source = Stacy, William E. ''US Army Border Operations in Germany.'' US Army Military History Office. |Date =


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actual11:14, 23 feb 2011Miniatura per a la versió del 11:14, 23 feb 20112.853 × 2.096 (2 Mo)File Upload Bot (Magnus Manske) {{BotMoveToCommons|en.wikipedia|year={{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}|month={{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}}|day={{subst:CURRENTDAY}}}} {{Information |Description={{en|Diagram of the en:inner German border fortification system ''circa'' 1984.<br /><br /> The border

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