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Fitxer:T E Lawrence and the Arab Revolt 1916 - 1918 Q59625.jpg

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Fitxer original (800 × 613 píxels, mida del fitxer: 140 Ko, tipus MIME: image/jpeg)

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Halladjian J H
English: T E Lawrence and the Arab Revolt 1916 - 1918
Hejaz Railway - View showing the bridge not seen in the preceeding picture (Wadi Khaled to Shajara stretch). Note two temporary bridges and various other buildings used by workmen. Yarmuk Valley.
Data 1908 (Pre-1914)
Origen/Fotògraf http://media.iwm.org.uk/iwm/mediaLib//323/media-323974/large.jpg
Image of the exterior main entrance to the Imperial War Museum in London. This photograph Q 59625 comes from the collections of the Imperial War Museums. Flag of the United Kingdom.
(Com reutilitzar aquest fitxer)
This image was created and released by the Imperial War Museum on the IWM Non Commercial Licence. Photographs taken, or artworks created, by a member of the forces during their active service duties are covered by Crown Copyright provisions. Faithful reproductions may be reused under that licence, which is considered expired 50 years after their creation.
Part of
Lawrence T E (colonel)
  • Associated places
    Syria, Palestine


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This work created by the United Kingdom Government is in the public domain.

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  1. It is a photograph taken prior to 1 June 1957; or
  2. It was published prior to 1975; or
  3. It is an artistic work other than a photograph or engraving (e.g. a painting) which was created prior to 1975.

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