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This image is a derivative work of the following images:
2005-12-24T06:02:44Z Zscout370 450x300 (2249 Bytes) I changed the colors. I have a few ROC flags, the red is bright and the blue is dark colored.
2005-11-27T10:55:48Z Nightstallion 450x300 (2716 Bytes) The flag of Taiwan. Source: Drawn by [[User:SKopp]] {{Template:Insignia}} [[Category:Flags of Taiwan]] [[Category:SVG flags]]
2010-01-25T15:29:43Z Beao 60x60 (9855 Bytes) {{Information |Description=From [[w:GNOME|GNOME]] version of [[Nuvola]]. May be included in the PNG version under [[Nuvola/apps]]. Edited for easier deriving. |Source=*[[:File:Mplayer.svg|]] |Date=2010-01-25 15:29 (UTC) |Aut