English: The alchemist's experiment has erupted in a fire, with glass shattering in midair and smoke billowing upward. In foreground an explosion at left shows smoke, fire and flying glass shards from a shattered alembic. Another alembic and receiver can be seen behind the alchemist's upraised arm. The luting used to seal the mouth of the receiving bottle to the beak of the alembic is clearly visible. The alchemist is seated awkwardly in his chair with a startled expression on his face. His chair has only one leg on floor and he is moving toward an open book showing the artist's name. He is seated near a table, with a red cloth and open book. Foreground floor has bellows, mortar and pestle, and a pewter plate with a piece cut from its rim, suggesting that the chymist has been attempting to turn base metals into gold or silver. Through an arched doorway in right background, we see an adjoining room where a seated woman, presumably the alchemist's wife, wipes her baby's bottom. A second child stands nearby.
This painting is an example of Dutch Golden Age painting. The colors are bright and cheerful: a red cloth is on the table; blue cloth is in the background, and the alchemist wears green trousers.
altura: 21 in (53,3 cm) ; amplada: 17,5 in (44,4 cm)
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{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Painting: ''The Alchemist’s Experiment Takes Fire'', 1687 Hendrick Heerschop, Dutch Oil on canvas laid down on board Gift of Fisher Scientific International; Collections, [http://www.chem...
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600 ppp
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600 ppp
Fitxer:The Alchemist’s Experiment Takes Fire 1687 CHF fa 2000.001.276.JPG