DescripcióThe IRAM 30-meter telescope scanning the night sky.jpg
English: The 30-meter telescope on Pico Veleta in the Spanish Sierra Nevada is one of the two radio astronomy facilities operated by IRAM. Built in only four years (1980 to 1984) at an elevation of 2850 meters, it is one of today’s largest and most sensitive radio telescopes for tracing millimeter waves.
The telescope is a classic single dish parabolic antenna, which allows the exploration of extended cosmic objects such as nearby galaxies and interstellar clouds. Due to its large surface, the 30-meter telescope is unrivalled in its sensitivity and is well adapted to detect weak sources.
By pointing the telescope towards a celestial source, and then by scanning and tracking the source, one can build up radio images – whether of complete galaxies or regions of star formation in the Milky Way. With its ability to observe simultaneously at several wavelengths, the telescope can produce multiple images.
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The IRAM 30-meter telescope under the night sky. The facility is one of the world's most sensitive radio telescopes for exploring large cosmic objects such as interstellar clouds or even galaxies.
Le télescope de 30-mètres de l'IRAM sous le ciel étoilé. L'instrument est l'un des meilleurs radiotélescopes au monde, spécialement adapté pour l'exploration des sources cosmiques larges comme des nébuleuses interstellaires et même des galaxies.
Das IRAM 30-meter Teleskop unter dem Nachthimmel. Die Antenne ist eines der besten und empfindlichsten Radioteleskope weltweit und eignet sich besonders zur Erforschung ausgedehnter kosmischer Objekte wie interstellare Nebel oder sogar Galaxien.
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