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Fitxer:The Kingdom of Aksum.png

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Fitxer original (17.877 × 20.000 píxels, mida del fitxer: 4,2 Mo, tipus MIME: image/png)

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English: The Kingdom of Aksum at its height.
Font Treball propi
Autor Aldan-2


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Historial del fitxer

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actual05:25, 5 abr 2024Miniatura per a la versió del 05:25, 5 abr 202417.877 × 20.000 (4,2 Mo)MotorolaBoyRead the Ezana Stone again, and he campaigned in Wolkait, west of the Tekeze so added that territory. Also cleaned up parts of the image. If anyone else wants, they can improve the border by making it look nicer
20:42, 1 abr 2024Miniatura per a la versió del 20:42, 1 abr 202417.877 × 20.000 (3,82 Mo)Obscure2020I didn't like how jagged and ugly the edges of the text looked, so here's a new version. I painted out the old text manually and replaced it.
18:40, 1 abr 2024Miniatura per a la versió del 18:40, 1 abr 202417.877 × 20.000 (3,82 Mo)Obscure2020From a distance, this image looks like it should be completely opaque. But it wasn't. I wrote a little Java to scan the whole image, and I discovered it contained 205117 non-opaque pixels. Many of them were lined around the edges of rivers and coastlines. A few others made weird punched holes through random parts of the land. I manually corrected all of them using GIMP. The image is now ACTUALLY completely opaque.
06:43, 1 abr 2024Miniatura per a la versió del 06:43, 1 abr 202417.877 × 20.000 (5,06 Mo)MotorolaBoyThe Axumites did not control that much of inland Ethiopia, althoght it was definately in their sphere of influence. The farthest south the armies of Ezana are known to have gone is the Simien mountains south of the Tekeze. Later, they would change their capitol to a certain "Kubar" which is probably in N. Wello of the Amhara region. Likewise; cthe first Negus to conquer part of southern Arabia for Axum was "GDRT," who ruled much of western Yemen, such as the Tihāmah, Najrā, Maʿafir, Ẓafār (u...
00:59, 16 des 2018Miniatura per a la versió del 00:59, 16 des 201817.877 × 20.000 (4,61 Mo)Aldan-2User created page with UploadWizard

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