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Fitxer:Tony Chung Hon-lam released outside Yuen Long Police Station 20200729.png

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De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

Fitxer original (1.481 × 843 píxels, mida del fitxer: 1,09 Mo, tipus MIME: image/png)

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Descripció 【元朗警署現場】學生動源前召集人鍾翰林獲保釋,離開警署
Font https://www.facebook.com/standnewshk/videos/293941341818444
Autor 立場新聞
(Com reutilitzar aquest fitxer)
各機構及個人,可隨便使用《立場新聞》facebook 專頁的直播片段,不用聯絡我們尋求授權,使用後亦不需要通知,唯望避免歪曲事實的刪剪。
Online Media Stand News has released a statement on facebook, allowing any use of livestream videos on their facebook page without having to request for authorization or notify them.


The Stand News
The file is captured from a live stream of the Stand News' Facebook Page. The Stand News states (archive) that "everyone and every organisation can use the live streams of the Stand News' Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/standnewshk/) freely. There is no need to contact us for getting the permission and after use; the only hope is that the distortion through modification should be avoided."

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actual05:25, 1 ago 2020Miniatura per a la versió del 05:25, 1 ago 20201.481 × 843 (1,09 Mo)Banetkool{{Information |Description= 【元朗警署現場】學生動源前召集人鍾翰林獲保釋,離開警署 |Source= https://www.facebook.com/standnewshk/videos/293941341818444 |Date= 2020-07-29 |Author= 立場新聞 |Permission= 各機構及個人,可隨便使用《立場新聞》facebook 專頁的直播片段,不用聯絡我們尋求授權,使用後亦不需要通知,唯望避免歪曲事實的刪剪。[https://www.facebook.com/standnewshk/posts/2244980132254261?__tn__=-R 見]<br> Online Media Stand News has released a [https://www.facebook.com/standnewshk/posts/2244980132254261?__tn__=-R statement on facebook], allowing any use of livestream videos on their...

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