Western Salsify (Tragopogon dubius) photographed near Logan, Utah. Identified by: (a) comparison with numerous photographs on the web; authoritative sources show T. dubius with noticeable pointed bracts behind the flower, as here, whereas in the otherwise similar Tragopogon pratensis they are shorter or not visible. Less authoritative sources do not maintain this distinction and there is probably some confusion out there (also the two species hybridise); (b) USDA data on range of invasiveness of Tragopogon spp. - only T. dubius is listed for Utah.
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{{Information |Description=Western Salsify (''Tragopogon dubius'') photographed near Logan, Utah. Identified by: (a) comparison with numerous photographs on the web; authoritative sources show ''T. dubius'' with noticeable pointed bracts behind the f
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