Español: Vehículo del Tram (Transporte Metropolitano de la Plana), un trolebús o bus guiado que presta servicio en su línea 1 entre la Universidad Jaime I y el Parque Ribalta de Castellón de la Plana, España.
Català: Vehicle del Tram (Transport Metropolità de la Plana), un trolebús o bus guiat que presta el servei en la línia 1 entre la Universitat Jaume I i el Parc Ribalta de Castelló de la Plana, Espanya.
English: A trolleybus of the optically-guided trolleybus system of Castellón de la Plana, Spain. The system is named "Tram" (or TRAM), for Transport Metropolità de la Plana, but is not a tram system. In this photo, the vehicle had reached the end of the overhead trolley wires, and the driver has lowered the trolley poles (causing them to be hidden from view by the cowling along the roof, with only the outer ends of the two poles visible, at the rear of the vehicle), and the trolleybus will proceed from here on battery power.
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